Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Groundhog Day

I thought I'd write a short little update. I thought about calling this post "January 2010: the Month of Perpetual Sickness"... but instead I will focus on the positive. Now that it is February, hopefully we will be on our way to good health!!! Wyatt came home from Christmas with a stomach bug. He got better, but then a few days later Lila came down with it. Then a few days after she was better, Wyatt caught a virus that gave him a high fever for a few days followed by a slight rash. Fortunately, Lila didn't get that. But by the next week she started showing cold symptoms and now both kids have runny noses and coughs. (Yes, technically they are sick now, but it started in January so I won't count it against February.) Ben and I have been very blessed - we have avoided getting any of this so far! I pray that will continue.

Today is Groundhog Day. To celebrate and have some fun, we are having a themed dinner tonight. Here's our menu:

Bratwurst (why? because it is ground hog of course!)
Little burrows (curly fries)
Groundhog grub (corn, beans and carrots... seems like what a groundhog might eat??)
Punxsutawney Pudding (chocolate pudding to look like dirt with a little groundhog cookie popping up out of the top... I'll post a picture if they turn out cute)


On the Ride of Our Lives said...

Fun meal!!! I love that kind of stuff too. And I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN about illnesses. We've had the same stuff, but I have to say all four of us have been affected. I'm ready to be well and have no more running noses to wipe for a little bit.

Mel30teague said...

Too cute. Hope you guys feel better.

Matthew and Jessica Green said...

You make all of us look so bad when you post what you are making for dinner...especially groundhog day! Seriously...you are one of the most creative people I know! Your family is lucky/blessed to have you as their mama/wife:)

janinabean said...

where's the pic?