Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Our Alabama Adventure Begins...

What adventure you might be wondering? Two weeks ago, we drove to my parent's house in Alabama, stayed a couple of days, then left the kids with my parents and took a cruise out of Mobile for 5 days. It was the first time the kids have been away from both of us for that long. Here are a few pictures I took the first couple of days before we left for our cruise.

I took this picture looking down on Wyatt from my parent's deck. He was having a blast digging in the dirt.

Lila was having fun too.

No personality to be found here! :) Seriously, I was curious how the week would go... this little guy just might wear Grandma and Grandpa out!

Dirt... we just dig right in!

Apparently they were trying to plant a basketball.

He has his sweet side too... so maybe they will be ok :)

After playing in the dirt for awhile, Wyatt decided to check out the construction project that was ongoing. My dad had found a slide on sale, so he and Ben worked to put it together.

Helping Grandpa with the hammer.

This picture makes me smile (ok, it makes me chuckle).

Just have to attach the slide and ladder!

Grandma and Wyatt

Grandpa also found a little water table on the same sale as the slide. The kids had fun playing with the box, of course!

Getting to play in water = wonderful fun!

Wyatt loved using the little cups to dump water everywhere.

He also mastered the little hand pump to make the water come out of the faucet.

On Saturday, Ben participated in a Sprint Triathlon in Scottsboro, AL, about an hour from my parent's house. We came to watch (as much as you can) but while we were waiting on him, the kids enjoyed the playground that was nearby. This was a big bowl that you could spin.

Here Ben (center) is parking his bike, about to start the swim portion. This race was done in reverse order (run, bike, swim). Usually it starts with the swim.

Here he is swimming! He was pleased with his time... it was a little smaller event than previous ones he's raced... they just used a stopwatch - no anklet or anything.

Waiting with Grandpa for Daddy to finish his swim.

While Ben showered and changed, we headed back to the playground.

Wyatt had fun in the slide.

Lila learned how to slide down a pole.

Having a little snack while we wait for Daddy to finish up.

Lila with Grandpa

It's always so cute when little kids try so hard to get big shoes on... and then they are so proud of their accomplishment! One day he will probably fit in these shoes!

This is the last picture I took. I left this camera so my parents could take some pictures for me (we took our other camera on the cruise). I will post some pictures soon of our cruise, also some that my Mom took while we were gone. They had lots of fun... so did we! :)


janinabean said...

That picture of Lila and dad is a really good one. Of both of them!

Matthew and Jessica Green said...

Love the update...can't wait to see cruise pics! Glad you are home:)

Keri said...

Great pics!

On the Ride of Our Lives said...

Ohh you were so close...But so busy. I'm so glad you got to go off by yourselves on a CRUISE!!!!! I have to wonder, "What was that like?" And did the grandparents sweeten the deal by enticing your little ones with the water table and playset? Smart thinking. I just love grandparents!