Saturday, January 8, 2011

Taking Pictures

Last year I got a DSLR camera which I have absolutely loved. This year I took a class to learn more about shooting in manual mode. I knew that with my third baby I wanted - and could - take better pictures. She may have less written in her baby book, but her pictures will look better! :) So to that end, I've enjoyed "posing" her and taking pictures in the past couple weeks.

This is Lila's little doll bed. (Like I said, babies are only this little once!)

 After taking some pictures of Piper, Wyatt thought he should have a turn. I had to tickle him to get a smile.

 Trying to get a shot of the three of them together.

 Wyatt and Piper.
Funny thing about this shirt: I got him some Thomas pj's a while ago which he has now outgrown (notice his belly in the picture above). I've managed to get the pants put away, but I haven't been as successful with the shirt. I've tried several times to wash it, but before I can get it put away, he has pulled it out of the laundry basket and put it on! I'm happy to report that I FINALLY got it put away -- and I got him some new Thomas pj's that fit :)

Lila and Piper

Big Sister Lila
This was taken shortly after Wyatt was born.

Big Sister Lila
Two years later with little sister Piper.

And then I gave the camera to Ben to take a picture of me with Piper (since it was a day I'd actually showered, ha!)


On the Ride of Our Lives said...

Those first two do look professional!!! Sleeping babies make great subjects!! Now I'm looking forward to seeing some snow pictures. I saw that Dallas might get some snow!!! I hope you guys gets lots of good snowman snow!

ameybc said...

Yes, I hope we get snow too! Lila will be SO excited if we do :) We got snow a couple of times last winter so maybe we'll get lucky again!

Brad and/or Bree Banks said...

Love your comment about having showered that day...I know what you mean! That can be a major accomplishment!

Great pics of your darling kids!


MelindaK said...

These are excellent! Especially love the ones of Lila and Piper.

If you wany some far-out inspiration for poses while Piper is sleeping, check out this article on a Helsinki woman who creates dream world for her baby while she sleeps.