Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Two Months

We've hit the two month mark already (last week). I took Piper to the doctor for her check-up, and she weighed right at 12 lbs.

Baby shoes are so cute. Piper won't be wearing these much longer - her feet are as long as the shoe, but skinny!

Here she is, all 23 inches of her.

Doing some tummy time.

Here's a picture for you to compare her at 2 months to Lila and Wyatt. 
To be fair, her hair color is *slightly* lighter after a bath :) but still pretty dark.

This is Lila at 2 months. Her hair is definitely lighter! Lila weighed right at 12 lbs then also.

This is Wyatt at 2 months. His hair was a little darker than Lila's was, but still lighter than Piper's. He weighed around 14 lbs. Both Lila and Wyatt were 24.5 inches though. It will be fun to see and compare them all as Piper grows! 
(And can I just say, wow, what a difference my camera has made!!)

Quick update: Wyatt no longer says "mancakes" for pancakes. He does, however, say "jamamas" for pajamas! 


janinabean said...

Nice outfit in the first photo :)

Where is the turtle though?!!

On the Ride of Our Lives said...

They all look so different in their two months pictures. It's amazing to see how different and unique each child is. I love the dark hair on Piper. I can't think of anyone in your families with dark hair. Does that come from a grandparent??? I'm getting excited to see what our third boy is going to look like. Clark and Joel have my eyes but are different in everything else. I'm hoping for a red head to go with my brunette and blonde. :-)

ameybc said...

Both of my parents had pretty dark hair before it turned gray :) My brother also has hair this dark, although it lightened up when he was little then got dark again. We will see if she hangs onto it or if it lightens up like Lila and Wyatt did. Someone recently told me red hair is recessive so you need to have it on both sides of your family to get a red-haired child. Not sure how true that is though.