Monday, June 27, 2011

Mother's Day

This year for Mother's Day, we were blessed to spend it with both my mother and my grandmother. Originally they were going to come visit the weekend before, but some major storms moved through Alabama. Their power was knocked out -- and stayed off for several days as the city tried to make repairs. So instead, they came the next weekend... which happened to include Mother's Day. 

It was my Grandma's first chance to meet Piper.

After church on Mother's Day, we took some pictures. It was a little windy (as always in Texas!).

The kids were not thrilled at having to sit for pictures. If I could somehow combine the first picture where we're all smiling nicely with this picture where the wind wasn't blowing... but oh well!

Then we took some pictures with Grandma and Great Grandma. My Grandma had bent down to keep Wyatt from escaping, so she's not quite *that* short!

Another attempt. Then we headed inside.

Here Great-Grandma is pretending to eat Wyatt's toes. He was giggling and giggling!

"This little piggy..."

Can you tell that he's ticklish? Because, boy, is he ticklish!

My Grandma will be 86 this year. She is still full of spunk.
(Yes, Wyatt ditched his shorts when he had his diaper changed, so now he's sporting the 'Risky Business' look.)

When Piper woke up from her nap, we went back outside to take some more pictures. Lila was very willing, so here's a picture of her and Piper while we tried to corral Wyatt (and get his shorts back on).

I love being Mommy to these three!

Wyatt was done, so we went back to pictures of Lila and Piper.

Sweet baby girl.

Family picture time! 
We took several, but as you can expect with three young children, this was the only decent one we got.

Love those little feet.

Four generations on my Mom's side.
Great-Grandma (85), Grandma (61), Mom (32), Daughter (4), Daughter (4.5 months)

1 comment:

janinabean said...

Your hair looks almost as dark as Piper's in these pictures! :)