Sunday, August 21, 2011

Cooking Up Trouble {8 mos}

Piper turned 8 months old this past week. At 8 months, she can crawl like a pro, feed herself Puffs (which are like Cheerios), sit up without support, and has started to pull herself up (to kneeling). I don't think it will be long before she is pulling up to stand. Her world is expanding rapidly! She also babbles a lot... "dadada" and "lalala" (Lila thinks that "Lila" might be Piper's first word!)

For her 8 month pics, I decided to have a little fun :)

After playing a little dress-up, she changed back into normal clothes, and we took a few more pictures.

She loves to stick out her tongue!

And one last photo (the next morning) with the turtle.

1 comment:

On the Ride of Our Lives said...

You are really getting good with your camera. You will have to teach me this weekend.