Who needs to empty the toy basket, when you can sit on it? Yesterday I captured this moment. It's the first time she's climbed up there. I kept waiting for her to tip it over but she kept her balance pretty well.
After touring the Star Wars exhibit, we unexpectedly got caught in some rain going back to the car. I tried to shield her as much as I could, but Lila still got a little wet.
This past Labor Day weekend, we went over to the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History and toured their Star Wars exhibit. Lila got to "meet" Yoda, R2D2, C3PO, Chewbacca, and Darth Vader (ok, so they were just costumes).
Recently, Lila's hair has been long enough that I can pull it up on top. One day last week I thought I would try her in pigtails. She just barely had enough hair! I could hardly get her to sit still for the picture because as soon as she saw the camera, she would say "baby, baby!" and come try to look at her picture!
This photo was taken a couple weeks ago. We now have a forward-facing car seat for Lila, but we still haven't put the old one away. She loves to climb in and sit in it. Often when I ask Lila if she wants some milk, she will run to the refrigerator. She likes to get it herself (off a low shelf). This particular time she grabbed both her milk and her water cup, before settling in to her seat!