Friday, August 8, 2008

Leapin' Lizards!

Today I was playing with my dear, sweet daughter in her room. She was "cooking" in her kitchen and bringing me food. I was on her bed and not paying too close attention until she brought me something. Well, after bringing me a waffle, she comes back over and says "What's that, Mommy?" I caught a small glimpse of something brown in one hand (she still had toy food in the other hand). I said "is it trash?," thinking it would be a piece of paper or lint. She didn't immediately respond so I said, "what is it?" She held it up right in front of my face and I immediately saw that it was NOT lint... it was a lizard! At this point, I think I jumped back 2 feet, screamed, "Agh! Drop it! Drop it!" and then hopped off the bed. To her credit, Lila did drop it and the lizard just froze on the ground. I thought maybe it was dead  because I couldn't figure out how else she caught it (they are very, very fast... my main reason for disliking them). I poked at him and he started to scurry along so I quickly grabbed a toy cup and caught him. Then I told Lila that he lived outside and we needed to go put him back outside. I couldn't resist taking a picture once we were safely outside -- I knew this would be a blog entry!

Lila trying to see where he went once he flew into the grass! 
Then we came back inside and I wiped out her toy cup. At this point, Lila says "where other one go?" There's ANOTHER one?? I said, "Show Mommy." She took me into her room and peered into her toy sink. Fortunately for me, this was the "other one" she was referring to:

Hard to see in the picture, but I can see why she thought it was "another one"... it was still moving! (The tails come off instantly when you try to pick them up, yet one more reason why I don't like these things!) She said "take it outside, Mommy?" but I told her it was trash and just threw it away. I am still trying to figure out how she picked that thing up but maybe it just ran in circles till she caught it. Nevertheless, I shall pay more attention in the future when she brings me something and says "what's that, Mommy?" Life with a 2 year old is never dull!


Keri said...

I'm glad I was visiting during February when these lizards and giant ants seemed to be hiding.
You are one brave chicky!

ameybc said...

Unfortunately the lizards are a year-round possibility. I'm not sure why they like coming inside so much.

ameybc said...

Unfortunately the lizards are a year-round possibility. I'm not sure why they like coming inside so much.

janinabean said...

LOL...glad I wasn't visiting for that one!