Thursday, April 14, 2011

Rodeo Day

Back in March, Lila's preschool had a Rodeo Day. We were invited to join in the fun.

First all the cowboys and cowgirls came riding in on their ponies.

Here's our cowgirl and her creation.

Next came a little square dancing with Caleb. (Most of the dancing was done side by side, individually, but there were a few do-si-do's).

Then came a fun relay where the kids had to put on western garb and race back and forth.

Only the boys really "raced" but it was still fun.

After they had their turn, then they sat down to watch.

Wyatt was watching too.

Next up: picture time! (Well, it is if there is a lull and your mom has her camera).

Time to choke hug your brother!

Another picture with a horse. This one was Lila's idea.

Now we were going to do some fun Rodeo activities. Her class broke up into groups of 4 (only Lila's group just had 3) and we rotated through the various stations. Our first activity was shooting. I think someone needs to help Lila with her form.

Nicholas had it down though!
(They had a thing that worked kind of like laser tag I think, and when you shot at the bottle it would push a lever underneath the bottle which would make the bottle go flying. It was cute. All plastic of course.)

Next station: three-legged race.

Since our group only had three, Mrs. Hedges wanted to know if Wyatt wanted to race with Nicholas. His reply: "no thanks." Turns out Nicholas didn't want to race either, so it was a short activity. We killed time by wearing Lila's hat.

Next station: lasso? 
I'm not sure what to call this, but the picture says it all. They sat on a saddle and tried to get the hula hoop around the steer's horns.

Cowgirl Lila
The kids were invited to wear any western clothing they had, so here Lila is wearing her boots and a red handkerchief. And, I also braided her hair! But that's about as Western as we had :)

What was Piper doing all this time?

Next up: Pony ride!
They just rode around a short loop in the parking lot.

Wyatt got to ride too since there was an empty spot. I just put him up there and didn't really give him a chance to say no. I don't know how sure he was about the whole thing, but he didn't cry.

Last stop: Craft
They got to decorate a picture frame that was later sent home with a picture of Lila from Rodeo Day in it.

Wyatt didn't get a frame, but he had fun decorating a paper.

Mrs. Hedges was there to keep things moving along because it was time to eat now!

Here's the class with their "BBQ" lunch: hotdogs!

My little cowpoke got to have some grub too.

It was a fun day. So far our preschool experience has been wonderful. I'm hoping next year's Kindergarten (new school) will be just as enjoyable.


Alan said...

Love the last photo. Great job and glad y'all had a wonderful time!

On the Ride of Our Lives said...

Wow what glorious color in all those gorgeous pictures of your good looking kiddos!!! :-) I love your camera! And that looks like so much fun!!! I'm jealous. hee hee! I love cowboy theme parties!