Friday, July 6, 2012

Time for a Change

We've had a swing set in our back yard for about three years now. It was starting to get in rough shape. First, the vinyl canopy started to tear. Then the wind and the kids helped it along till it reached the point that we just removed it. It used to have a wood bench and ledge (like half of a picnic table), but one of the boards broke, so Ben removed it. We were thinking about adding a wood roof, but then decided that the whole structure just wasn't sturdy enough. If you had more than two kids on it, it would move. And that was before the neighborhood kids started coming over to play. Suddenly, we had a 3 year old, 2 Kindergartners, a 1st grader, a 2nd grader, a 4th grader and a 5th grader who would sometimes play in our backyard together. When they were all there, I was really nervous about the safety of our play set.


So we tore it down, and in its place, we put something sturdier. The kids (all 6+ of them!) have really enjoyed it. I breathe easier knowing it's not going to fall apart when they're playing on it.

The new set has some fun things the other one didn't: a "rock" wall, monkey bars, trapeze bar, rope ladder and disc swing, plus an upper deck. And a full size picnic table underneath (which we had enjoyed a few times before it got blazing hot.)

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