Saturday, June 7, 2008

Splashin' Around

I was so excited to get a comment from an out-of-state friend (thanks Jen!) that I was inspired to post some new pictures. It has been HOT here, in the 90s for a couple of weeks now. Which means.. time for the pool! We inflated a little kiddie pool for Lila and put some water in it in the morning so it would be warm later in the evening (when the sun wasn't so intense). Lila LOVED being able to splash in the water as well as getting in and out of the pool (something she's not allowed to do in the tub!) 

We put two little wind-up fish toys in the pool with her. For the past week or so, we had been babysitting a friend's fish while they were out of town. His name is George Henry. So Lila proceeded to call both toy fish "George Henry" and would alternate putting them in the pool and on the windowsill (where they went to go "night-night"). Good thing she couldn't reach the real George Henry!

She fussed a little bit when we told her it was time to get out and start getting ready for bed. I told her she could get in the pool again tomorrow. Ben put her to bed as he does most nights. He said later that the last thing she said to him before laying her head down was "more pool morrow, okay."

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