Wednesday, September 30, 2009

11 Months



Well, it's hard for me to believe that my little boy will be ONE in two weeks!! This year seems to have gone by so quickly. When I look at Lila's 11 month picture, I realize that they really don't look that much alike. Her eyes were (and still are) a much more vivid blue than his. His are a hazel blue. Her hair also looked lighter than what his is now, so maybe he won't be a blondie like she is. He also has a lot fuller head of hair than she did. And his skin tone is not as pale as hers. Of course their personalities are much different as well. Wyatt is stubborn... getting told "no, no" doesn't faze him at all. In fact, I think he just thinks of it as a challenge - when can I get to this later when Mom isn't looking? He is so easy to smile and usually pretty happy. He is also a climber - more pictures to come on this. I thought he would maybe skip crawling all together but just in the past week he has started to crawl short distances. He can cruise along furniture pretty quickly and of course, he still "swims" across open floors. He's also eating like a champ, some nights better than Lila! We are starting to see more sibling squabbles between the two of them. Wyatt has figured out he has a voice and can protest having a toy taken away - or being sat on by his big sister. :)

I'm hoping to get more pictures posted today, and in just a few weeks I'll have some 1 year pics to put up too.

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