Sunday, September 13, 2009

Labor Day Visit

We went to Wichita to visit family over Labor Day weekend. The weather was beautiful and the rain held out for us until Tuesday when we drove home. We got to spend time with Ben's parents and his brother's family as well as some extended family. We had a great time!

Riding bikes at cousin Rachel's house.

Lila playing in the sand at the park.

Rachel playing in the sand at the park.

Wyatt LOVES to swing!

Especially if Lila or Rachel (seen here) is pushing him!

Wyatt and Grandpa

Grandma helps the girls cut paper. This was one of Rachel's favorite activities while we were there. After a little bit, Lila gave up on the scissors and just tore the paper - it was faster!

Here's cousin David pushing a little "bike".

Here he is pointing at Grandpa's car. He LOVES cars!

Here are Wyatt (10 mos.) and David (15 mos.) next to each other. Next time we get together, they might actually play together!

1 comment:

On the Ride of Our Lives said...

Is Wyatt walking yet? He is very adorable. In one of those pics, he looks like Ben to me. He'll be one next month right??? I can't wait to see what you do for his birthday cake. Got any plans yet?