Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wyatt's 1st Snow Adventure

We woke up this morning to SNOW! Lila's eyes lit up when she saw it, and she immediately started asking about building a snowman. So after 20 minutes getting everyone bundled up (we don't have snow gear, so we had to use what we had!), we went outside. This was Wyatt's first time playing in the snow.

He got a big grin on his face when he realized the snow was coming from the sky!

My two snow bunnies.

And then he was off! He did pretty well walking through the snow (we have about 2 inches right now and it's still falling).

Lila started working on the snowman's head. I helped roll the two bottom segments.

Wyatt decided it was easier to run on the pavement than through the snow.

Look at the big flakes that were falling! It was so pretty.

It was a lot easier to get a picture of him when he was on the pavement too.

Once we got the snowman's body finished, Lila started working on his arms.

I only had baby carrots, so he got a small nose. And we used vanilla wafers for his eyes, mouth and buttons - but they didn't want to stay in very well. At one point, Lila said "Mom, our snowman lost his cookies!" Hee, hee, I hope not! :)

Here he is our snowman basketball player - that is some full contact basketball! Look at those teeth that got knocked out!

And how do you know when it's time to go in? When your son, who has a flair for the dramatic, makes this face.

But all in all, he really enjoyed his first time in the snow!


On the Ride of Our Lives said...

FUN! I'm so glad you guys got snow. I know our kids love it and don't want to come in. I even try bribing them with hot chocolate, but that doesn't work. I loved the pictures especially Wyatt's sad face. I hope it lasts for awhile!

Carissa said...

Adorable!!! Alexis got to see her first snow, too, but I don't think she got it like Wyatt did :-D

janinabean said...

I really like the first picture of the 2 of them with Wyatt looking up at the snow. It looks like the kind of picture that would be on the front page of the paper or something :)

Keri said...

Completely agree with Janina! Love that photo.

Ben Amey said...

When we went outside again after work, Kelsey (one of our dogs) ate every one of those vanilla wafers.

Matthew and Jessica Green said...

Our snowman had oreo eyes, strawberry nose and a banana mouth:) He didn't fair very well through the night since we got several more inches! PIctures will be coming soon!

janinabean said...

That's awesome about the cookies...can't say Kelsey isn't an opportunist!