Friday, April 9, 2010


A few weeks ago when the weather was super nice, I took the kids to the Dallas Arboretum to try and get a "Spring" shot of them together. What I didn't count on was TONS of people (also enjoying the nice weather), my son's inability to sit still, and my daughter's newly acquired fear of BUGS. Real and imaginary ones. This started because a few weeks prior when we ate lunch at the park, she was stung on the finger by a bee. Understandable. But that teeny-tiny dragonfly is not going to hurt you! So, I thought I would share some of the could-have-been-great shots I got that afternoon. And also what Lila was thinking :) The difference between their two expressions is so funny.

Me: "Ok, look at Mommy!"
Lila: Ah, is that a bug?!!

Me: "Lila, there is no bug. Why don't you put your arms around Wyatt and give me a smile?"
Lila: If I show my teeth, I'm smiling... is that a bug?!

Me: "Ok, smi..."
Lila: "Aaagh! A bug, a bug!"

Wyatt: This is so fun! I love being outside! In just a second when Mommy isn't looking, I'm going to hop down and run as fast as I can!
Lila: I think that might be a bug over there.

Aha! Finally a good one of Wyatt, right? Well, sort of...

(The crop tool can be your friend.)
Wyatt: I love climbing on this rock!
Lila: I think that bug is getting closer to me!

I did finally get a couple decent ones of the two of them. Here they were looking over at something else but at least Lila wasn't going crazy over the bugs.

And here they are both looking at me. But this smile is misleading. Her little clenched fist is more accurate - she was so worried a bug was going to get her! Seriously, the ONLY bugs we saw were these tiny little, slow-moving dragonflies.

Before we left, I set up my tripod to try and get a picture of the three of us together. It was an adventure, that's for sure!


Lisa said...

Oh how I can relate to this event!!!! Abigail (at LIla's age) and Joshua (now) have both been terrified of bugs (with no bee sting to blame it on!!) For mine, it didn't even have to BE a bug--it could be a bloom from a tree that fell down ("SNAKES!!!!")or a leaf that happened to fall wrong and looked like a bug or you name it! I think you did a fabulous job of capturing the emotions here. The only one missing is a shot of your frustrated face as you tried to get a good picture!

Thanks for sharing these! All 3 of you are so cute! :-)

On the Ride of Our Lives said...

I love how you gave the running commentary and dialogue (very creative and funny!). The last several are great! The rest are hilarious. I have the hardest time taking picutres of my kiddos too. We went to Olan Mills (you know) and they have all these squeaky toys and gadgets. I'm always on the look out for stuff like that when I take pics. And Clark got stung by a wasp last year, and has a bug phobia still. He calls everything ladybugs and has nightmares about them. So I understand kiddie fears right now. It's so hard, because you can reason with a three year old. ;-)