Friday, April 9, 2010

TI Easter Eggstravaganza 2010

Last year we went to the TI Easter Eggstravaganza, but Wyatt was too young to participate. Not this year! In fact, his age group was first in line for the egg hunt.

At first he wasn't quite sure what he was supposed to do.

But he quickly caught on!

And by the end, he had filled his basket with lots of eggs!

While waiting for Lila's age group to "hunt" eggs (have to use that term loosely since they are just scattered in the yard!), the kids posed with our number one TI employee - Daddy!

Lila knew exactly what to do when it was her turn! She was very excited.

After she was done with the egg hunt, we went inside to explore all of the activities they had for the kids to do.

Wyatt's favorite activity is climbing, so he tried out his skills on the bleachers. We were in the gym at the TI rec center.

Here's Lila decorating a sugar cookie with sprinkles.

Wyatt gets a little help from Daddy. (We wouldn't want him to think they were salt shakers!)

They also had this huge inflatable sports station in the center of the gym with all kinds of balls you could throw. Wyatt liked chasing after the football.

Hanging on the rim!

Lila visited the coloring station where she spent several minutes coloring an Easter bunny picture.

Here's a picture of the huge inflatable thing. It probably has a name, but I have no idea what it's called :)

Running around, having fun!

We made paper pinwheels, and after that I thought we were ready to go. But Lila said, "But Mommy, I want to get my face painted." See those people standing behind the kids? That's the line for face painting.

I said, "well if you want to get your face painted, we'll have to stand and wait for a long time."

She said, "ok, let's wait for a long time." Know why?

Because THIS is what she did while I stood in line!

Finally it was her turn. Wyatt got a good seat so he could watch.

Lila asked for a bunny on her cheek (her idea). I don't know if she remembered that is what she got last year or not. I kind of like last year's bunny better. But all in all, it was a great morning!


Keri said...

Ben is definitely my favorite TI employee; and he's not even in the calculator division!

Lisa said...

Hey! It was nice to see the pictures to go along with the story you told me on the phone. I know everyone says this, but I really can't get over how much the kids have grown! I 'm sooo glad you have this blog so I won't be shocked the next time I see Lila and Wyatt!

That certainly was a FULL basket for Wyatt! I love the picture of him "hanging" on the rim! I think I agree with you about the picture of the face painted bunnies. Last year's was better, but I'm sure she loved them both the same! It doesn't change as they get older either (at least up to 8) because Abigail just got her face painted with a kitten at a bday party yesterday and was absolutely delighted!

On the Ride of Our Lives said...

ewww....I love TI. That was a fabulous little Easter party. Kuddos to a company for doing something that big for a "Christian" holiday. I didn't realize they did stuff like that when we were there in TX.