Monday, June 27, 2011

Lila's Preschool Graduation

Well, it happened. At the end of May, my little girl graduated. From preschool. Which means next year she starts kindergarten!! Where has the time gone? Due to some unforseen circumstances, my Mom and Grandma's weekend visit ended up being a little longer than they originally planned. So then they decided to stay one more day in order to attend Lila's graduation ceremony. I think it made the day a bit more special for Lila.
Here's the whole school (well, the kids who attend on Tuesdays and Thursdays... and those that I could get a picture of between all the people sitting in front of me). Lila is top right, craning her head to find us in the crowd. All of the kids sang a couple songs together.

Then each class sang some songs on their own.

Doing some hand motions - Lila didn't do any of the hand motions at the Christmas program, so I guess this means she's improved?? :)

This is the moment Lila spotted me. I had moved up front to get a closer picture.

Then after all the singing, they showed a slideshow. While that was playing, the kids put on their graduation robes.

Here is Lila's class with her teacher, Mrs. Hedges and assistant teacher, Mrs. "B".

The gowns were cute.

I switched to using the flash because the lighting was so dim.

Trying to get a group shot.

One with Mommy.
Someday I will have this picture next to one of us at her high school graduation.

And one with Grandma.
After taking pictures, we also enjoyed a little luncheon before going home.

1 comment:

Ben said...

I love the pictures of Lila where she is really smiling with an "I'm so happy" smile, and not a "somebody just asked me to smile" smile. Like the one captioned "the gowns were so cute."