Sunday, August 21, 2011

Play Time!

Since it's been so hot outside, we've done a lot of playing inside.

About five months ago, Piper could only play with Lila's toys IF Lila wanted to share them.

But not anymore!! :)

"Hmm. What does she have over there?"

"Yeah, I'm playing with Lila!!"

Such contrasting heads... one so dark, one so fair.

You can't tell it in this photo, but she was laying there just kicking her feet!

"What else is there I can play with?"

Lila had abandoned her dolls to play with Wyatt's cars.

Piper found something that interested her... Mommy's camera!

"Hello, Mommy!"

"Oh, I see where everyone went!"

"Hold on, guys, I'm comin' over!"

More feet kicking.

Overhead view.

It is very rare for them all to play together so nicely. It doesn't take long for someone to decide that somebody else has a toy they want. But here is proof that it CAN happen! :)

1 comment:

On the Ride of Our Lives said...

Oh the sweetness of all your children playing together. There is nothing like it--To hear their laughter and little voices all together.

Can't wait to see you soon.