Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Big Day

Yesterday was a big day around here. Lila started telling us she needed to go potty! (Prior to this, we were just putting her on there from time to time.) I think it was mostly motivated by her desire to get the doll. We had a baby doll that we told her she could have if she filled across her potty chart OR if she did #2 in the toilet. Well, she must have finally realized how close she was getting on the chart because yesterday she asked to go potty about 8 times. And each time, she went, even if it was just a little bit! Below I posted pictures of her with her chart and with her new doll. 

The other big news is that Wyatt rolled from his tummy to his back last night for the first time! It was after dinner so Ben got to witness it too. Very exciting!!

Note: She got to put a sticker in each column for 1. telling us she had to go, 2. using the potty, 3. using a small amount of toilet paper, 4. flushing, and 5. washing hands. Overkill? Maybe, but someone knows how much toddlers like stickers! So she used the potty about 20 times total.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay, Lila!!!! What a beautiful doll you have!!! I'm proud of all your effort thus far! Keep up the good work, okay? When you get really good at it, please teach Joshua how to go Potty in the potty chair, okay??

Mrs. Lisa