Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Five Months

No stats this month, just pictures. Wyatt is a pro at rolling over. He's also a drooling king - no sign of teeth though. Unfortunately, he's still not sleeping the greatest at night. For some reason, he likes to wake up around 1 or 2 a.m. and just be awake. Not on his own, of course. If he was content to just be awake in his crib, we wouldn't have a problem really. No, he likes either my or Ben's company. Usually Ben gets up with him (I have a great hubby!). After about an hour, he's ready to go back to bed. Then he'll wake up again around 4 or 5 wanting to eat. Anyone have any suggestions on how we can get him to sleep longer? We've tried letting him cry, but he is stubborn and will cry for a long time! Plus he is just a short way down the hall from his sister, who we want to keep asleep. So we're open to suggestions. On the bright side, he takes good naps for me during the day and is usually a very happy little guy for us. Here's the comparison shots.





1 comment:

Amanda said...

They are so cute. Love Wyatt's smiles.