Friday, March 13, 2009

Sesame Street Live

Here are some pictures from our trip to see Elmo and Friends live at the Nokia Theatre in Grand Prairie a couple weeks ago. My camera batteries died shortly after we got there, but I'm not sure I would have gotten great pictures anyway. It was dark in the theater. Lila was entranced and watched silently the whole time -- after the first couple minutes when she had her face buried in my shoulder, that is! There was a little girl in the row in front of us who was jumping up and dancing during all the songs. Lila finally clapped along toward the end. The next day she was retelling some of the story, so I know she was listening and having a good time, just in her own quiet way.

My sister went along with us so she might have some better pictures... and she might even post some on her blog (hint, hint). It was a good time. Just about every character from Sesame Street made an appearance. The show was about 1.5 hours with a 15 minute intermission. During the intermission, two men came in with HUGE bouquets of Elmo helium balloons. Pretty soon there were little Elmo heads floating everywhere (I'd have taken a picture but by then the camera had died). Shortly after that, there were a few Elmo heads floating to the ceiling :) Thankfully, Big Bird came on over the loudspeaker and asked everyone to stow their balloons below their seats for the second part of the show so we could see. We did not get an Elmo balloon... they were $10 bucks! We actually managed to leave without buying any merchandise.

On the way to the theater with little Elmo in tow. (I made sure we brought him in case Lila asked for an Elmo they were selling. I wanted to be able to say "you have Elmo in the car." But she didn't ask for anything, yay!)

Keeping her eyes on the stage, looking for Elmo.

Family pic

What the stage looked like before the show started.


Anonymous said...

Fun! Lila has great taste. You'll have to get working on another batch of Elmo confetti. :)

Keri said...

I was just going to leave a comment saying Mark would have loved to have been there too.