Sunday, August 29, 2010


Well, this post is long overdue. Hopefully you aren't reading this and finding out for the first time that we are expecting again... we've tried to let people know, but I realize it probably should have made it to my blog sooner than this.

We found out in May and had it confirmed by the doc in June. Here is the baby at 10 weeks. I had a little morning sickness - not near as bad as I had with Wyatt - but now I am feeling really great.

Then at 19 weeks, we found out we will be having a GIRL. She is due January 3rd. This is a picture of her profile and torso. It really is amazing what all they can see in a sonogram these days. We took the kids with us to this appointment. Lila enjoyed getting to see baby girl move around; Wyatt had no idea we were even looking at something. He will figure it out soon enough :)

Here is a picture of me 21 weeks pregnant. I was going to wait and see if I could get Ben to take my picture... but then I remembered my tripod. So I went out on the back porch to take a pic.

It wasn't long before I had someone else who wanted in on the picture.

And then another little person joined us.

So I took the opportunity and got a picture of them together (yes, Lila is still in her pajamas... she had been playing in her room after breakfast... I thought I could sneak out and take a quick picture, but they heard the back door open.)

So sometime at the end of this year or beginning of next year, we will have a new little person to add to our pictures... and this blog, of course!


janinabean said...

Nice job posing for the black and white photo...that shot turned out really cool. I also like Lila's big grins. She's really getting into the picture taking now :)

ameybc said...

Thanks. It helped that the timer made a sound... I told her to smile when she heard the "tee-tee-tee" sound. Wyatt didn't understand, hence the no smile until I took the picture and got him to laugh.

janinabean said...

Your black and white photo makes me think of that picture of Diane Keaton from the movie The Family Stone. Even though I'm pretty sure she was sitting down and wearing a dress.

On the Ride of Our Lives said...

Your ultrasound pictures are so clear!! I'm jealous. Congratulations! I can't wait to hear what you will name her. I'm glad you feel great! You look great, too!!!

Keri said...

I keep meaning to comment- I really like the black and white picture of you.