Monday, August 16, 2010

Summer Fun

I thought I would share some random pictures I've taken over the summer. I don't know that these are in any particular order because they came off of different cameras.

For Lila's birthday, we gave her an art easel from IKEA that has a whiteboard on one side and a chalkboard on the other side. We put her little table next to it to create a little "art center". She loves it!

Wyatt also loves coloring at the little table, and he has a special attraction to markers! He spends most of his time pulling the cap off and then trying to get it back on. So I think he ends up with more marker on his hands than on his paper! Guess that's why we use washable markers :)

A picture I took of them one time when Lila was using the camera around the house.

A few months ago we drove down to visit Aunt Janina at work and eat lunch with her. We got sandwiches and ate them in the breakroom.

One time things were quiet so I decided to investigate. They were both in Wyatt's room, and Lila was reading books to Wyatt. This is what I heard:

Lila: "Wyatt, where is the clock?"
Wyatt: "Cookie!"
Lila: "Yes Wyatt, that is a cookie, but where is the clock?"
Wyatt: "Cookie!"
Lila: "No Wyatt! Stop saying cookie! Say clock!"

When I came into the room, something I said (I can't remember what now) struck Lila as funny and they both started giggling.

A picture Lila took of Wyatt in the car.

I took the kids with me to one of my doctor's appointments. We have to cross a skywalk to get to the office, so on the way back we stopped to watch the cars.

It was fascinating!

As a special treat, I let the kids take a bath in our garden tub about a week ago. Wyatt really liked the extra room to spread out!

After the bath, the kids like to stay snuggled in their hooded towels for a few minutes.

We've been using our backyard pool a little less frequently the past few weeks (due to the 100 degree heat!!), but one evening we filled it up - and even moved our toddler slide over into it. I thought Wyatt would love it, but he wasn't that interested. Lila thought it was great fun though!


Lisa said...

Hi Colette,

I had to laugh as I have that same exact photo in the skywalk--well, different kids, but you get the idea. I knew instantly where the picture was taken. (Sigh!) Confession time: I actually miss that skywalk. I love all the other pictures as well, especially the one of the kids snuggled in the chair laughing. I enjoyed the story that led up to the picture as well. Just think...soon there will be a little sweet baby girl showing up in your blog pictures! I can't wait!
Love ya!

On the Ride of Our Lives said...

You are having girl???? I missed that somehow. I've been out of the loop too much! Congrats. I think the b&w pictures of Wyatt looks just like Ben. I couldn't believe it. I want to see a picture of you and your belly!!!! I am wondering if you are showing much?

ameybc said...

Hey Jenna,
Yes we just found out we are having a girl - I need to do a post on it with an ultrasound pic or something :) She is due Jan 3. It is funny that you ask about my belly size - I remember with Lila I was so paranoid that I wasn't showing enough and then with Wyatt I started showing a lot faster, so I thought I looked so big. Ha, ha. This time around I don't feel that big but I am measuring right along with where I was with Wyatt at this point. Which is to say I am showing but I'm not uncomfortable yet :) I'll try to get a pic of me to put up soon. That is a good idea. How are you guys?

Mel30teague said...

I didn't know you were pregnant!!! Congratulations! Love all the cute pics.