Saturday, September 18, 2010

My Boy

I thought it was kind of fun to share a few "glimpses" into Lila's personality when she turned four, so I wanted to do that with Wyatt too -- partly because he is such a fun little personality right now :) I could wait another month until he turned 2, but knowing me, I would forget to do it. So here are a few tidbits about Wyatt right now. He is a fun, energetic little boy who can be so sweet, but also finds new ways to get into trouble (like the other day when I found him standing on a stool with his hand in the dog treat jar and Kelsey next to him chomping down on her first? 2nd? tenth? dog treat!)

1. He finally entered a Mommy phase! For the longest time, only Daddy would do - but in the past couple weeks, he wants Mommy to put him to bed and Mommy to hold him. I guess Ben being gone for a week in Germany helped him decide that Mommy was ok :)

2. He says more and more sentences. Hold me now. Go dat way or come on Mommy. Of course, he's also learned to use the words "mine" and "my turn" quite often! The other day Lila wanted something he had and I heard her telling him, "Wyatt, the Bible says share!" There was a pause and then he replied, "No, mine!" So he has learned to stand up for himself too and not just let Lila take everything from him.

3. He likes to sing but doesn't know all of the words yet. He will try to sing the VeggieTales theme song, the WonderPets theme song and the ABC song (usually the end part starting with Q). He does have the melody down because we can tell what he is singing!

4. He is really good at spotting airplanes in the sky, balloons in the store/restaurant (especially if they've floated to the ceiling), and finding Thomas the Train on all sorts of things - like newspaper ads.

5. He drinks a ton! If you give him a water cup, he will drain it. He also leaks out of his diaper most nights even though we try to limit how much water he has before bed.

6. He doesn't say the S sound yet. So he eats with a "boon", has a "nack" when he's hungry, says "yorry" when he does something he's not supposed to... and the hardest to interpret... will ask for some "yaw" (sauce) when he wants some ketchup. He doesn't say yes; he says yeah.

7. He says some funny things. He used to call McDonald's "nuggetburger" - whenever he'd see the golden arches, I'd hear it. "Nuggetburger!" But very recently, he has started saying McDonald. He also calls pancakes - "mancakes". Ha, ha, that is one of my favorites. It is so cute.

8. He doesn't like to eat cold things. So for a long time he refused to eat ice cream. Now, he likes it but he still makes the most horrible grimace with each bite. It is entertaining to watch.

9. He loves to jump, climb, run, throw things, hang on things... he is active! :)

10. We told Wyatt a few weeks ago that "Mommy has a baby in her tummy" - I'm not sure he would have noticed on his own :) When I told him, he put both hands on my tummy and looked at it for a bit, then looked up at me and said "Hold it?" I don't know that I expected him to say anything, but definitely wasn't expecting that! So sweet.


On the Ride of Our Lives said...

Hey! Very cute idea. That's a great way to remember all the special things of the moment with your little boy. Joel is addicted to his daddy too. So it's not just a boy thing because Clark wasn't like that. I haven't blogged in a while because I been on the couch dealing with morning, noon, evening, and night sickness. Yep, I'm 13 weeks along, and we're due in March. This baby has made me sick sick sick. I'm feeling more like myself, but I have a lot to make up for all my couch time. We finally told Clark about the baby in my tummy, and he's telling everyone. Plus it's obvious. I look 6 months already. At Target yesterday he saw a baby, and he told me he was ready to buy a baby and take it home with us today. So cute, how their minds work. And I think I will copy this idea btw.

ameybc said...

I am SO excited for you guys!!! I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well; that is the worst part, I know. Ok, so you will have to post a pic of YOU since that one Clark took didn't show your tummy :) Hope you continue to feel better each day. Looking forward to reading some tidbits about your boys too, btw :)

Mel30teague said...

I love reading this because it reminds me of Tyler. Phone is bone. Finger nails are hang nails. Ha ha little boys are so cute. Thanks for sharing and yes Wyatt is adorable!!!! Miss you guys.

Amanda said...

My Corban has always wanted his daddy most. As time has gone by, though, he has developed a very different attachment to me. It's surprising, but nice. Great to read about Wyatt. He sounds like a really great little guy. Love the "mancakes."

Ben said...

one more of his favorite things to say: "game phone.". This roughly means "I want to play games on your iPhone and if you don't help me out I'll try to figure out how to climb up to mommy's purse and take it myself."