Thursday, January 15, 2009

Three Months & 8 Years

On January 13, we celebrated 8 years of marriage... and Wyatt turned 3 months old. Life has changed for us so much in the past eight years, particularly in the past three! It is nice to have occasions to pause and recognize how truly blessed we are. 
Here are Wyatt's (and Lila's) 3 month pictures. I don't have any idea how much Wyatt is weighing these days. He's starting to max out his 3-6 month clothes since he's so tall; I think by the time he is 4 months old, we may be in the next size. His hair is starting to get a reddish cast to it - Lila's did too before it turned blond. Wyatt's eyes are definitely blue but as I look at Lila's picture, they don't seem so vivid as hers - but it could just be the picture. He is very smiley when he's not tired. And boy does he let us know when he is tired! Bounce me, bounce me!
Recently he hasn't been sleeping as well at night. Last night he wanted to eat every 2 hours. I'm not sure if that's because he is still pretty congested with a cold and wakes himself up - or if he's having a growth spurt and wanting to eat more often. Hopefully tonight will be better.

Wyatt, 3 months old

Lila, 3 months old




janinabean said...

where's the moose?

Keri said...

The moose is loose!

ameybc said...

I took some pictures with the moose and without. After looking at Lila's picture, I decided to post the one without since it showed more of his body for comparison.