Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Alone Time

When we made plans to go on our cruise last fall, I mentioned to Lila that she was going to get to spend some time with Grandma and Grandpa on her own. She wasn't too keen on the idea then, so I didn't mention it again until a couple weeks before we left. This time when she heard she was going to get to spend a few days alone (with Wyatt) at Grandma and Grandpa's, she was excited! In fact, while we were there she asked us a couple of times when we were going to leave so she could have her "alone time" with Grandma and Grandpa! I was a little worried that Wyatt wouldn't be so enthusiastic, but apparently, he did great too. And no wonder! They stayed busy the whole week. My mom took pictures for me (which is why she is never in any of these). Here's a sampling of the things they did:

Colored. A LOT.
Lila even learned how to shave crayons and melt them between wax paper.

Just a cute pic of my boy. He loves to sit (and stand) on the "big" chairs.

They went and looked at the ducks down the road.

Played in Grandpa's truck bed.

Ran around!
The pond area that is down the road from my parent's place is very nice... they live just outside the city, so it has a country feel.

Lila found a little car down there that she could pedal.

Slid down the slide.

Watched the goats (owned by a neighbor).

Climbed the fence.

Climbed the tree!

Drove a car.

Went bowling.

Watched a video. (That's right, you rest when you can!)

Struck a pose, being silly.

Helped Grandpa mow the yard.

Wyatt took his turn.

Bounced on the neighbor's trampoline.

Lila helped Wyatt up the ladder... this was a playset at the neighbor's.

More climbing.



Dug in the dirt.

Watered the plants. (Lila said when she did this, she got "soaped" by the water.)

Watered the flowers.

One day they went to the Botanical Gardens. There was a treehouse exhibit that was very kid-friendly... lots of things to climb and play with.

Like a sandbox.

One treehouse was Oz inspired.

You can't have a garden without a watering can! :)


janinabean said...

Wow. They did more than even I knew about. Mom took some good pics--I'm impressed. Although I'm guessing Dad wished she hadn't taken that one shot...LOL

On the Ride of Our Lives said...

Wow, your kids stayed so busy having fun. That's great. And I agree, that Dad sleeping picture is HILARIOUS. My dad (inlaw) has been caught catching some zzzzs while watching the kids too. So sweet. That reminds me of someone's story of a dad who came home from work and took a nap each day to recharge. ;-)