Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day Gift

Yesterday was Mother's Day. We had a nice relaxing day, but last night we had to discipline Lila (she didn't want to stay in bed at bedtime). It made me start thinking about parenting, motherhood, and the gifts that come along with raising children.

The Bible says "Children are a gift from the Lord." (Psalm 127:3) Does anyone know what this means? Is it because children say the cutest things? because they love us so easily? because they give us laughter and joy? Yes, probably. But then what about all the times they don't bring us joy and laughter?

I'm beginnning to wonder if there isn't something greater... that little glimpse we get as parents (especially moms) of how much God loves US. I think if we are honest, we all struggle with this concept. How can God love ME when I fail on a regular basis at holding my tongue, spending time with Him, loving, sharing, giving... the list can go on and on. We know all too well how unworthy we are of such love. We are amazed that God would love us through all that and still send Jesus to die for us. And we accept it because God's Word says its true. But do we really understand that love?

As a mom, I finally get a little window to God's love for me - because I have that love for my children. I didn't get it before. I admit it. But now, I'm beginning to understand. I would do anything for my kids... anything that was good for them, that is. Yes, I will deny them things that might hurt them. I will discipline them, even though I don't enjoy it, because I want them to obey God and desire to follow His will. To know that the world doesn't revolve around them, but Him. And when they are fighting with each other, I love them. When they cough right in my face or smear their runny nose on my shirt, I love them. When they pull out every toy in the house, making chaos where there was order, I love them. When they fall and skin their knee or are scared of the dark, my heart breaks for them. When they do something that I just told them not to do, I still love them. In fact, I can't think of anything they can do where my love for them won't exist. I may be disappointed, frustrated, even angry at times... but my love can coexist with all of that. It took root the moment they were created, and it cannot die.

Sound familiar? I sure hope so. God loves US this much. And as a mom, I am reminded of that gift every day. Thank you, Lord.

"I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge–that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." Ephesians 3:17a-19


momofcyclones said...

Thanks for sharing, it was just what I needed to hear today! :)

On the Ride of Our Lives said...

I know. I have wondered where would I be spiritually had it not been for becoming a mom. I have grown so much because of motherhood. We just didn't have a clue did we???? Praise God for His gentle, loving discipline and humor!

Brad and/or Bree Banks said...

Thanks for sharing's just what I needed to hear today!
