Saturday, May 8, 2010

Can I Take Some Pictures, Mom?

This is a post I've wanted to do for awhile, but kept putting it off for other things. We have decided that Lila might choose 2 different professions when she grows up (based on what she likes to do right now): a negotiator/arbitrator OR an insurance claims person. Why you ask? Well, she is really good at negotiating.

Lila: "Mom, can I have 4 chocolate eggs for dessert?"
(Yes, we still have Easter candy.)
Me: "You can have one."
Lila: "How about three?"

The other thing she really likes to do is take pictures. And I mean, LOTS of pictures. Of everything. After she's had the camera about fifteen minutes, she has documented our entire household contents. Of course, I just delete them when she's done, but I thought I'd share a sample of what she takes... and some of them aren't too bad!

Kelsey has gotten used to having her picture taken, but she's keeping a wary eye open just in case.

Here's one she took of me and Wyatt the other day. She has started saying "Mom, look at the camera" (hmm... wonder where she hears that from?).

A picture of her artwork. I'd like to think that she put this on the ground just to take a picture of it, but that would mean I'm in denial about the usual state of my house. It's more likely she found it on the ground after little hands dropped it there!

Here's a picture she took of Wyatt while laying down on the ground.

This is what 10% of her pictures are like - a shot from across the room or a basket of toys or the coffee table, etc.

This is what 80% of her pictures are like - one thing, up close, usually not in focus but sometimes it is.

Maggie is also used to the camera by now.

She took a picture of all the books on the shelf, so there were about 3 more shots like this one.

Wyatt climbing onto the sofa. (This one makes me chuckle).

Me, washing the dishes.

Wyatt, wearing a "hat" :)

Uh-oh! Who was caught playing with sister's dollhouse?

This one was taken on our trip to AL. Wyatt has almost no interest with dolls when we are at home, but when we are in the car... "baby, baby!"

Lila's feet. I see a LOT of pictures of her feet too.

Maybe she will be photographer?? Or maybe she will be an astronaut gardener. That's what she told me this week she wanted to be. So who knows? In thirty years she just might send me a prize-winning picture of her Mars-grown tomatoes!


On the Ride of Our Lives said...

Ummm...we might need astronaut gardeners one day. She might be on to something. I'm trying to picture this, and I am guessing that she is using your old camera, not your big SLR.
And I'm going to have to let Michael read this post. He'll appreciate the insurance claims part since that is what he does.

My favorite shot was of Maggie.

ameybc said...

Yes, I meant to say that - she uses our point & shoot digital camera, not my DSLR. She's actually gotten a lot better at centering and focusing on things. She used to literally point and shoot with no time to even tell if someone or something was in the picture!