Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My 4 Year Old

Last week Lila turned four years old. Four!! Where has the time gone? Yesterday I took her to her very first day of Vacation Bible School. She cried when I left (it was a bit chaotic with all the kids). I admit my eyes watered and my heart hurt when I saw her crying. I wanted to run back and say "ok, I'll stay a little longer", but I knew it would only make it harder when I had to leave again. And I knew she would have a fun time, I did. (At this point, I also knew that come September when I drop her off for her first day of preschool, I'd better bring kleenex! I think a lot of it is the pregnancy hormones causing me to be more emotional.) A very kind VBS worker pulled Lila into her lap, and she stopped crying. When I picked her up a couple hours later, she was all smiles, and there were no tears this morning. I couldn't help but think of our loving Father in heaven though... does He hurt when we are hurting and feeling alone? I hope that I can be aware of those around me who need friendship and comforting; I was so thankful to the VBS worker for noticing my girl.

Anyway, didn't mean to get so heavy, but that is what we have going on this week. I am so thankful that I enjoy Lila so much – not that there aren't moments when I'd gladly send her to school – but for the most part, I really enjoy my time with her. (Also, on the way home today after dropping her off, Wyatt must have said "Lila?" every couple of minutes! I don't know if he will know what to do on days she is at school.)

So in honor of her turning four, I thought I would share a little bit of who she is at this age:

1. She doesn't like me to "do" her hair. If I say let's put a ponytail in your hair, she says, "No, Mom, I want it to be just hair today."
2. She loves to do anything craft-like... coloring, painting, stickers, cutting, glue, etc.
3. She loves, loves, loves to look at books and have you read books to her.
4. She is working on sounding out short words. She doesn't have a strong desire to read for herself yet, but she can do it when I ask her to.
5. She likes to tell Wyatt what to do or what to say. For the most part, he is agreeable.
6. She plays by herself very well, taking care of all her stuffed animals and putting them to bed or playing doctor with them, etc.
7. She likes to say the mealtime prayer. Ben asked her recently if she wanted to pray, and she didn't respond so he started praying. Well, she started crying so we said "ok, you can have a turn." This was her prayer: "Dear God, we bless you for this food. Please let Mommy and Daddy let me say the prayer everyday."
8. In general, she is not a picky eater. However, she does not like potatoes, unless they are french fries. Not even mashed potatoes. Quirk: she likes to eat her cupcake from the top down (frosting first).
9. She asks some big questions sometimes. Like "where does the water go when it goes down the sink?" or "Is God in the sky?"
10. She is practical. My sister-in-law asked her recently if she would rather have a baby brother or a baby sister. She shrugged her shoulders and said, "I think I'll just wait and see what it is." :)

I'll try to get some birthday pictures posted soon.


Lisa said...

Thanks so much for the update. I have a much better idea of who Lila is today now! :-)

#4) When Lila starts showing more of an interest in learning to read, I have a book recommendation for you (if you don't already have it.) "The Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading" by Jessie Wise and Sara Buffington. (I used it with Abigail & Philip and am a little behind in using it with Joshua.)

#5) That makes me laugh as it reminds me of when Abigail told Philip what his favorite color should be. He wanted a different one, but she insisted. He said okay and for at least a year, he'd say his favorite color was the one Abigail told him it should be!

#7) So was her prayer answered the way she wanted it to be??? ;-)

#8) Smart Girl! If you suddenly got "full" while eating a cupcake, would you rather leave behind the cake or the icing? I'm with Lila! I'll take the icing over the cake any day! :-)

#9) Brace yourself! She sounds like Abigail! Better double up on your bible study program and go through a refresher on "the way things work." ;-)

#10) Just like her Mommy! :-)

P.s. Sorry this is so long! I just really enjoyed the "snapshot" of Lila at 4.

ameybc said...

Thanks Lisa! Maybe you can do a list for Joshua when he turns 4? :)

Ben said...

A very good idea with the list of items describing our four year old! It is a nice thing to have written down.

Katie Ras said...

Love this! :) Gotta love those younger brothers who do what we "big sisters" say...

Loved that Wyatt asked for her while she was at VBS - sounds like they are already great buddies! :)