Thursday, September 1, 2011

Weekend Fun

I took these pictures the weekend before school started. It is hard to believe we are already into the second week of school; time is passing quickly. I'm glad the weekends move at a slower pace (usually).

Here Lila is practicing riding her scooter and Wyatt is riding his trike. She came home this summer talking about how fun it was to ride her cousin's scooter. Well, turns out her cousin's scooter has TWO wheels on the back (something we didn't know), so she is having to try a bit harder to ride this scooter. However, it is something that she can ride for awhile once she masters it.

While the kids were riding, Ben was working on exposing our broken sprinkler, which had been pushed apart by roots.

By the time I came outside to take some pictures, the kids were hot and sweaty and ready to come inside.

That weekend we got a Slip-n-slide on clearance. The kids had fun with it once they figured out how to slide and not just flop on their bellies.

They had to learn to wait until the slide was clear to take their turn. And by "they" I mean Wyatt :)

Fun times.

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