Wednesday, February 2, 2011

One Month

Well, here it is... February already. The past few weeks haven't given me much time to blog, although I do have pictures I want to post. Hopefully I will get some more up soon. My parents came for a visit, and then my Mom stayed a couple weeks to help me. During that time I developed mastitis, which I had once when I weaned Wyatt, but this time it was worse. I am very thankful my Mom was here during that time because there was NO WAY I could have taken care of the children. (Note to all nursing moms out there: if you ever get flu-like symptoms, save yourself some pain & recovery time and just assume it is mastitis! It probably is!) Once the antibiotics kicked in, I started feeling so much better.

This week is my first week of going it alone with three kids. And guess what? We got hit with a winter ice storm that has cancelled school for three days -- so I haven't had to go anywhere. It's been nice. Ben even worked from home today. Anyway, I thought I'd start my backlog of pictures with some of Piper at one month old.

They don't ask to hold her nearly as often anymore, but of course, they both wanted to hold her at the same time. That's ok... makes a good photo opportunity!

Here Piper is with the turtle again. Right now it's as big as her head... someday it will fit in her hand.

 One month.
Her eyes are looking more and more blue (not sure if you can tell in this pic?). Who knows what her hair color will end up being since both Lila and Wyatt had dark hair when they were born.

It didn't take long before my happy baby turned into an upset one (about 30 seconds after I put her on her tummy in fact!)

Big brother Wyatt came right over to comfort and "shhh" her... so sweet! I hope he is that considerate of her when he's 15 and she's 13 :)