Saturday, February 19, 2011

Valentine Party

Wyatt, Piper and I went to Lila's preschool for her class Valentine party. (Piper was very obliging and slept the whole time.) When we got there, the class was just coming in from recess, so here they are all lined up to wash their hands. The lady in red is the assistant teacher, Mrs. "B".

"Raise your hand if you want sprinkles on your cookie."

This was one bulletin board in the room. I asked Lila which penguin was hers, and she said the one that's flying (the one right above the big penguin).

I made some heart-shaped Jello jigglers for a class treat. I was determined to find something that was gluten-free since there is one little girl in the class who can't have gluten. Success! Here Lila is smiling at Wyatt, who was standing next to me, while she's eating her jello.

There were enough jigglers for siblings to have some too. This was a big deal for Wyatt because he's never been able (or wanted to) bite jigglers. He always asks us to cut them into small pieces. But I couldn't cut them this time, so he figured out how to eat them. It went something like this: lick it, try and bite it using his lips, then take a bite with his teeth, followed immediately by a "this is cold!" face. Repeat.

I love that at this age if I say "can you give each other a hug?"... they actually do it.

After his jello snack, he was asking for water, so Mrs. B gave him a little cup. He was so proud sitting at the table and drinking from a cup like the big kids!

After decorating and eating their cookie and enjoying a jello jiggler, the kids moved to the carpet for a game - "Who has the Valentine Heart?" Here Brantley is asking Lila if she has it.

Everyone got a turn, even Lila.

Wyatt watched from a nearby chair.

After the game, Mrs. Hedges read a valentine story.

There were still a few minutes left before the end of the day, so the kids played Musical Chairs. This little boy is Nicholas, Lila's best friend at school or as she calls him, "the one that I love."

The fact that Wyatt is in focus here wasn't intentional but kind of funny. I asked him if he wanted to play and he said no. 
But he had a lot of fun watching everything.


janinabean said...

One day Lila is going to be so embarrassed that you published that about Nicholas...

ameybc said...

Yeah, I know :)