Friday, January 20, 2012

Remember November?

Hi, it's me, Piper. Mommy has been kind of busy lately, so I thought I'd help her out with her blog. I mean, how hard is typing? You just bang on the keyboard (something I'm really good at!), so I'm going to put up a post for her. Shh! She thinks I'm sleeping :) Since I only have time for one post, I want to share about when my future college roommate, Rebecca, came to visit me back in November! She traveled on an airplane to come see me all the way from North Carolina.

So of course, like any good hostess, I showed her where all the toys were as soon as she got here.

And I was more than happy to share them with her.

We didn't waste any time being shy.

Rebecca brought her Mommy along. She was really nice and read us stories.

The next day Lila and Wyatt thought we would be able to play with the toys easier if they were out of the box.

I know I'm partial to short and dark-headed, but isn't she cute?!

We both have December birthdays... only 2 weeks apart!

Of course Lila read her stories just like she does for me.

It was nice later that day, so we went outside to take some pictures.

Well, Mommy wanted to take pictures, but I was really interested in what was over there...

And, hmm... what's this?

Rebecca was willing to snuggle with her Mommy.

Then she looked right at the camera and smiled so nice!

So I thought I could do that too! :)

Then because we don't get to see her very often, Mommy took one more.

The next morning we played with some toys again before church.

Yep, Lila surprised me with a hug attack. Sometimes I wish she wouldn't pick me up and squeeze me to show her love, but usually it feels nice... for a couple minutes anyway.

Rebecca wasn't so sure about Lila this morning. I think maybe she forgot where she was in the middle of the night? Or maybe she was just worried that she was going to be picked up next.

I sat next to her to reassure her.

Then I offered her another toy.

She still kept a close eye out for Lila though - and a possible hug attack like I got earlier.

Then our mommies got us ready for church. Doesn't Rebecca look so pretty in her dress?

Here we are together, each sporting a hair bow. For some reason, our mommies kept saying things like "aww" and "they're so cute" and "isn't that so sweet" when we played together. 

Here we are all together. Mommy wouldn't have posted this picture... something about her hair being pulled back in a ponytail but you can't tell, and then she's wearing her Sunday School teacher t-shirt...but lucky for you, I'M the one doing this post. I mean, I don't get any choice about all the pictures she puts up of me, do I? 
So I say we need one that shows all of us together.

Rebecca, if you're reading this, I hope we can get together again soon! 
Now that we are walking (I've almost got the hang of it), I bet we could really have some fun! 
And maybe if you were here, Mommy would say "that's so cute" when I play with the toilet paper.


On the Ride of Our Lives said...

Sorry it's been forever since I've been on blogger to read blogs. This is the first time I've seen Rebecca!! She's so cute. I can see a little of her big sister in her, but she looks just like a Rebecca. I hope you visit with the Smiths was great, Piper. Thanks for blogging for you mommy. I'm sure she would also love it if you could learn to change your own diapers and feed yourself. I'm sure you are already working on that too. :-)

Lisa Smith said...

Perfect post, Piper! I love it! Way to go!!! Now, if you can just teach Rebecca how to blog for us....


I miss you and your Mommy & Daddy and sister and brother! You all were GREAT hosts and hostesses! Thank you!!

Rebecca's Mommy