Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Girl

MY GIRL is four. She will be five in July. She is growing up too fast. Today I took both Lila and Wyatt to the dentist. I had told Lila that if she did a good job, we could go to the library afterward. She did fabulous! She practically bounced into the chair - and even let them take x-rays (which she's been unwilling to do the last couple times). So, we went to the library and she participated in the "All by Myself" story time for 4 & 5 year olds. A couple weeks ago she spent the night at Aunt Janina's house. She had a great time and didn't ask about us once. 

This week we were almost late to school. Normally I would wake up on my own with plenty of time to spare, but the night before I had been up with Piper more than usual so I was tired. I had set my alarm but apparently didn't hear it. I woke up at 8:35. We normally leave the house at 8:45. Somehow I got Lila dressed, lunch made (thank you Lunchables!), breakfast eaten and to school by 9:00. It helps that school is only about 8 minutes away. It also helps that the staff come to the carpool lane and get the children out of the car... because Lila was dressed, but the rest of us were still in pajamas!

She loves going to school, although she must enjoy being at home too because she doesn't ask about school on the days she is at home. She does, however, ask about doing crafts or "doing school" (learning activity books). I used to think a craft had to be some project I came up with for her to do. Nope. She is the MacGyver of crafts... give her some paper, any kind of art supply and tape... and she will make her own craft! Easy enough for me! She also likes to draw her own pictures and is getting better and better at drawing identifiable objects! 

I have enjoyed the few conversations I've had with Lila's teachers. They recently celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday at school. They took pictures of each student and then put them on the bulletin board with a paper 'Cat in the Hat' hat on top of their heads. Each student looked at the camera and gave a nice smile. Except Lila. She cocked her head to the side, posing with an impish grin. When her teachers told me about it, they talked about how much they enjoy Lila. Remember that penguin bulletin board? I had asked Lila which one was hers and she told me "the one that is flying." When I shared that story with Lila's teacher, Mrs. Hedges laughed (she has a really infectious laugh) and then said, "Even though we just talked about how penguins don't fly. But hey, with a craft you can do anything, right?" and then laughed again. And then Mrs. B said that was her favorite penguin.

Another thing that Lila really enjoys doing right now is helping with Piper. And boy, does Piper love Lila! I'm not sure who gets more smiles from Piper - me or Lila! When Piper is fussy, Lila will bounce her in the bouncy seat and try giving her a pacifier (which Piper usually doesn't want). She talks to her while I'm changing her diaper. The other day when she was talking to Piper, she turned to me and said, "I like being a big sister." I think you're a pretty special big sister. And I'm so glad that you are MY GIRL.

The Care Bears' playground.
(Hearts and Care Bears are stickers if you couldn't tell.)

She drew this on Valentine's Day... Mommy and Lila holding valentine hearts.


Carissa said...

Such a sweet post!

janinabean said...

Thanks for sharing your girl sometimes cause she is awesome. I'm very impressed by the Care Bears playground!

Can I get a copy of the b&w pic with the swirly bugs you added? Aunt Janina needs a new photo for her office at work :)

Unknown said...

I haven't looked at your blog for about 6 weeks! Thanks for sharing your beautiful children! I wish I could see my neices and nephew more often in person! Hugs to all!